Hair and Nail

Causes of hair loss

Hair loss is a common problem for many people due to a weakened scalp & damaged hair tissues. The average person loses about 100 hairs per day. Normally, a hair that is shed is replaced by a new hair from the same follicle. When many of the hairs stop being replaced, hair loss begins. This problem impacts the lives of approximately 35 million men and 22 million women in the United States. Male (androgenetic) or female (pseudoandrogenetic) pattern baldness, accounts for the vast majority of hair loss. Common causes of permanent or temporary hair loss include:

  • Heredity
  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Medications
  • Injury
  • High Fever
  • Improper Hair Treatments
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation.

Non surgical treatments include:

  • Steroid injections
  • Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP
  • Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

Mesotherapy helps reverse this problem by healing the damaged tissues & scalp, so that new hair can grow in a healthy, sustainable manner. The treatment is suitable for both men and women, and is carried out by injecting a cocktail of various minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins that repair hair tissues and promote growth of new tissues. This nutrient rich liquid is injected into the scalp where the tissues of skin are found. The mixture of different elements promotes blood circulation in the scalp, thus preventing hair breakage. It also speeds up the formation of new hair follicles and gives them the needed nutrients to form as strong strands. Each session takes about 30 minutes. A minimum of 8 sessions is required to prevent the hair loss and stimulate hair growth. You will notice considerable difference within a year.

Mesotherapy For Hair Loss Benefits

  • Speeds up formation of new hair follicles
  • Prevents hair breakage
  • Stimulates rebirth of new hair
  • Increases hair density & volume
  • Repairs damaged tissues in scalp
  • Promotes blood circulation in the scalp


Nails are produced by living skin cells in the fingers and toes. They are composed primarily of keratin, a hardened protein also found in skin and hair.

Nails, like hair, grow from the matrix. As older cells grow out, they are replaced by newer ones, they are compacted and take on a hardened form. The average growth rate for nails is 0.1 mm each day; individual rates depend on age, time of year, activity level, and heredity. Fingernails grow faster than toenails. Nails also grow more rapidly in the summer than in the winter. Nails on a person's dominant hand (right vs. left) grow faster, and men's nails grow more quickly than women's. Nail growth is affected by disease, hormone imbalance, and the aging process.

White Spots —These small, semi-circular white spots result from injury to the base (matrix) of the nail, where nail cells are produced. They are not a cause for concern, and will eventually grow out.

Splinter Hemorrhages — A disruption of blood vessels in the nail bed can cause fine, splinter-like vertical lines to appear under the nail plate. Splinter hemorrhages are caused by injury to the nail or by certain drugs and diseases. However, trauma is the most common cause. Splinter hemorrhages resolve spontaneously.

Ingrown Nails — Ingrown toenails are a common nail problem. The great toenails are particularly vulnerable. Improper nail trimming, tight shoes, or poor posture can cause a corner of the nail to curve downward into the skin. Ingrown nails can be painful and sometimes even lead to infection.

Fungal Infections — Fungal infections make up approximately 50 percent of all nail disorders and can be difficult to treat. More common in toenails than fingernails, they often cause the end of the nail to separate from the nail bed. Additionally, debris (white, green, yellow, or black) may build up under the nail plate and discolor the nail bed. The top of the nail or the skin at the base of the nail can also be affected.

Bacterial Infections — Redness, swelling, and pain of the nail skin folds often indicate a bacterial infection. The most common cause is trauma to the nail or surrounding skin, or frequent exposure to water and chemicals.

The nails can be a mirror and reveal much about a person's overall health, many diseases and serious conditions can be detected by changes in the nails. Most doctors will check the nails carefully during a physical examination. The most common health conditions and their effect on the nails are listed below:

Condition Nail Appearance
Liver Diseases white nails
Kidney Diseases half of nail is pink, half is white
Heart  nail bed is red
Lung Diseases yellowing and thickening of the nail, slowed growth rate
Anemia pale nail beds
Diabetes slight blush at the base

Nail Care

  • Keep nails clean and dry
  • Properly cut thick toe-nails,
  • Nails should be cut straight across and slightly rounded at the tip for maximum strength.
  • Do not remove your cuticle
  • Use a "fine" textured file to keep nails shaped and free of snags.
  • Avoid biting your fingernails.
  • Avoid "digging-out" ingrown toenails.
  • Report any nail irregularities to your dermatologist


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