Arm & Tight Lift


The lifting of the arm or brachial abdominoplasty is indicated in patients who have sagging skin on the arms, especially in the medial region. Usually, this is a result of severe weight loss. The patient often feels embarrassed to wave when wearing a short-sleeved dress, or even a blouse or sundress.

What is the goal of the Arm Lift surgery?

The surgery aims at removing the excess dermogorduroso (skin and fat) of the arms, thereby reducing weight resulting in sagging. The brachial dermolipectomia can promote a more defined outline of the arms, reducing sagging imposed by weight loss or by aging. The surgery can greatly improve your body contour, increasing self-esteem and body image. It is essential that you discuss your expectations very clearly and clarify all your doubts during your initial consultation.

Where are the scars located?

The resection and the placement of scars from this surgery depend on the evaluation of each individual case. Milder cases can be treated with an approach through an incision in the armpit, advancing to the middle third of the arm. In some cases, the surgeon may need to supplement the incision to the elbow. The suffering experienced by patients with this problem is so great that the scars represent a small charge, against the benefit obtained by surgery.

How to plan for the surgery?

In the initial consultation the surgeon will assess your state of health, medical and family history, with respect to fat, skin tone or presence of scars. It is important to report any use of cigarettes, drugs, vitamins and other drugs. Liposuction can also be an additional option for the brachial dermolipectomia. We will select the best-individualized approach to meet your expectations and achieve the ideal body contour.

What type of anesthesia is used?

Anesthesia can be general or regional block.

How is the surgery performed?

The surgeon begins the surgery by an incision along the appointment made from the axilla. The detachment of dermogorduroso flap is performed only to the extent of skin and fat to be removed. The excess skin is resected and the surgical incisions are sutured.

Preoperative Recommendations:

  • Inform your doctor in case of flu, cold or other infections before the surgery;
  • You will be informed in detail on how to prepare for the surgery, including fasting time, pausing the use of medications or vitamins and other drugs;
  • You must stop smoking at least two weeks before to two weeks after surgery, to reduce the risk of complications;

Postoperative Recommendations:

  • You will be guided on how to cure and bathe as well as what medications to take;
  • The prescribed medications should manage your discomfort and pain levels, especially in the early days;
  • You are free to leave one day after surgery
  • Arm movements should be minimized, to reduce tension in the scar;
  • You may drive a car and return to work after 15 days if no mishap and your job does not require great physical effort;
  • Physical activities should resume gradually, following a pre-established schedule

Your New Look:

The Arm Lift procedure enables dramatic improvement in body contour which makes arms sagging or excess skin and fat. The results are long-lasting, especially if you take care such as regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. The scars may extend slightly over time. If this happens, it is always possible to reduce such extensive scarring, after a period of 6 months.


The Tight Lift procedure involves the lifting of legs or thighs aimed at reducing sagginess. The procedure is the removal of excess dermogorduroso thighs, thereby reducing weight resulting from sagging. It is a common procedure complementary to gastroplasty surgery performed on patients with morbid obesity.

Does the procedure leave scars?

The form of resection and the placement of scars from this surgery depend on the evaluation of each individual case. Milder cases of sagging can be treated with an approach only through an incision in the groin. In some cases, there may be a need for an additional longitudinal incision to higher circumferential resection. The suffering experienced by patients with this problem is so great that the scars represent a small price, against the benefit obtained by the surgery.


When is Tight Lift considered a good option?

If you do not feel comfortable wearing a short skirt or shorts, because of the appearance of your thighs, then maybe you should consider improving this look with this surgical procedure. The procedure promotes a more defined contour of your thighs, reducing sagging imposed by weight loss or by the removal of excess fat through liposuction. The Tight Lift procedure can greatly improve your body contour, increasing your self-esteem and body image. It is essential that you discuss your expectations very clearly and clarify all your doubts during your initial consultation.

What type of anesthesia is used?

Locks or general anesthesia (epidural) can be performed.

How to plan for the surgery?

During your initial consultation the surgeon will assess your state of health, medical and family history, as well as the conditions of the lower limbs, with respect to fat, skin tone, the presence of scars or varicose veins, muscles and other data. It is important to report the use of cigarettes, drugs, vitamins and other medications. Liposculpture is an alternative option to the Tight Lift procedure. We will select the best-individualized approach to meet your expectations and achieve the ideal body contour.

How is the surgery performed?

The surgery begins by an incision along the appointment made on your thighs near the groin. The detachment of the dermogorduroso flap is performed only to the extent of skin and fat to be removed. If circumferential reduction of the thighs is required then a longitudinal incision on the inner side of the thigh, will be performed, allowing the resection of skin and fat in the thigh extension. The excess skin is resected, the surgical incisions are sutured and drains may be placed, if necessary.

Preoperative Recommendations:

  • Inform your doctor in case of flu, cold or other infections prior to the surgery;
  • You will be informed in detail about how to prepare for the surgery, including fasting time, pausing the use of medications or vitamins and other drugs;
  • You must stop smoking at least two weeks before to two weeks after surgery to reduce the risk of complications;
  • Avoid exposure to the sun, particularly in the operated area and follow a strict diet immediately prior to the surgery period, since the nutritional deficiency may impair wound healing

Postoperative Recommendations:

  • You will be guided on how to cure and bathe as well as what medications to take;
  • The prescribed medications should manage your discomfort and pain levels, especially in the early days;
  • You are free to leave one day after surgery
  • Arm movements should be minimized, to reduce tension in the scar;
  • You may drive a car and return to work after 15 days if no mishap and your job does not require great physical effort;
  • Physical activities should resume gradually, following a pre-established schedule

Your New Look:

The Tight Lift will show a dramatic improvement in your body contour. The results are long lasting, especially if you keep care such as regular physical exercise and a balanced diet.


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